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Rawhide Romal Reins 42" - 16 plait, Dark Brown

Rawhide Romal Reins 42" - 16 plait, Dark Brown

These Romal Reins are a good weight and the perfect rein for show or the working Cowboy.   42" - Brown 16 plait  Hand-braided rawhide. Lengths & colour may vary slightly ------------------ We recommend Ray Holes VAQUERO...
Rawhide Romal Reins 8 Plait, 15 Button - 42" and 52"

Rawhide Romal Reins 8 Plait, 15 Button - 42" and 52"

Hand-braided Natural Rawhide Romal Reins. A good choice for show or work, excellent value. ------------------- We recommend Ray Holes VAQUERO RAWHIDE CREAM® to clean and condition your new Rawhide product. VAQUERO RAWHIDE...
8 Plait Rawhide Romal Reins 42" CAL

8 Plait Rawhide Romal Reins 42" CAL

The Cowboy Romal reins are the perfect rein for the working cowboy. Available in 8 and 12 Plait. Hand-braided rawhide. Lengths my vary slightly ------------------ We recommend Ray Holes VAQUERO RAWHIDE CREAM® to clean and condition your...
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